Introduction … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

"I have nothing to say ... and i am saying it"


I am ... writing.

Yes ... i keep writing.

I keep .... expressing myself ... even if many of the things i write .. are actually a clear evidence of the ... nonsense ... which is dominating my whole existence.

Yes ... i keep writing ... doing it as a self therapy ... which i need a lot.

It's sort of a ... treatment.

I do it everyday.

Day ... by day.

And days are passing ... then weeks ... then months ... but nothing improves.

No ...

Life still continues ... as a story about the nonsense into its absolute form.

So ... i keep expressing myself ... having nothing to say ... but illusory expecting to receive important messages ... from my inner soul.

Maybe ... all is an abstract tendency of going beyond the boundaries ... of my being.

And ... i desperately try it.


Expressing ...

Expressing ...

Expressing ...

But ... not saying anything.

Most probably ... i am still disconnected of the inner self.

And ... no matter as much as i try ... nothing changes.

I guess it's normal.

I am an ordinary human being ... same as the others ... dominated by the nonsense ... without any real control on myself ... and ...

Well ... life continues anyway.

I also continue to write.

I continue to express ... that "nothing" from inside of myself.

Looking ... like useless

But ... i am just doing my therapy sessions.

On ... and on and on ...


Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human being” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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